Unlocking Unlimited Potential
Improving Health Outcomes
Holistic training in Mindfulness, Food Science & Nutrition
Improving Health Outcomes
Holistic training in Mindfulness, Food Science & Nutrition
Outreach for Health & Wellness
Nourishing the mind, body, and soul with a holistic approach to well-being. Our purpose is to improve public health outcomes by offering Mindfulness tools (yoga, meditation, and breathing modalities), culinary medicine classes and cutting-edge research seminars.
We believe that mental and physical food is thy medicine. We partner with government agencies, foundations, organizations and other concerned entities to understand and support vulnerable populations with limited resources in domestic and international settings. Our goal is to improve diet quality by informing programs and policies that impact food product offerings, consumer choices and practical cooking applications with the goal of reducing hunger and food insecurity.
For consumers to make healthier choices, a knowledge of nutrition, cooking techniques and movement is critical. To improve overall health and well-being the proper food for the mind and body must be assessable and affordable for every individual is imperative.
Approximately 15% of Mecklenburg County residents are considered food insecure, which means they are without access to enough affordable, nutritious food.
– American Heart Association of Charlotte, NC

Mindfulness Offerings
Culinary Education
Nourishe Wellness Retreats
Begin Your Journey
Into Mindfulness
Learn More
Food Science for
Healthy Outcomes
Coming Soon
Holistic Offerings
for Wellbeing
“A yoga and mindfulness session with Angela is a breath of fresh air! She has a natural ability to connect with our participants and uses her rapport with them to create a vibrant and safe environment for growth. Angela’s genuine enthusiasm for her subject is infectious and encourages our participants to stretch themselves—both emotionally and physically! Angela creates opportunities for realistic and reasonable challenges within her groups to empower and expand the confidence of each participant.”

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Interested in learning more about our programs, partnerships, or volunteering? Contact us.